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Individual Interviews

Influence's Individual Interview package showcases the knowledge and experience of leaders, experts, customers, and vendors. These interviews capture compelling stories and insights, positioning individuals as experts and thought leaders. This radio-style format is ideal for author interviews,  business videos, podcasts, and webinars.


Here's how Individual Interviews can elevate your brand storytelling:


  • Leadership Interviews: Capture the vision, expertise, and strategic insights of your organization's leaders. These videos build credibility and trust with stakeholders by humanizing leadership and showcasing their mission and vision along with their depth of knowledge.

  • Subject Matter Experts: Highlight the unique perspectives and deep expertise of your subject matter experts. These videos position your organization as a thought leader in your industry and provide valuable insights to your target audience.

  • Customer Testimonials: Authentic customer stories are incredibly persuasive. These videos build social proof and trust by showcasing the positive impact your products or services have had on real customers.

  • Vendor Testimonials: Strong relationships with vendors contribute to your success. Showcase these partnerships through vendor testimonials that highlight shared values, commitment to quality, and mutual benefits.


Influence Spotlights leverages video storytelling as a powerful medium to help you connect with your audience, build stronger brand recognition, and nurture relationships with your customers. They place emphasis on creating genuine, authentic content that converts.


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